Well Hello There My Beautiful #RedCarpetCurlsRoyalty,

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Shopping for Curly Girl Method Approved products in big box stores like Target and Walmart can feel immensely overwhelming. There are just so many product options and so many labels to learn how to read. When following the Curly Girl Method sulfates, silicones, and parabens are always to be avoided. When you are new to the method and reading labels, it can feel frustrating, wasteful, and discouraging. 

That is why I put together this list using the Suave website as well as the Target and Walmart websites to help you begin your search for affordable CGM-approved products from your local stores. If you can’t find them in-store, then you can just click the link below to have them delivered. Now, that’s CGM done easily and effortlessly! 

Please note the products listed below are the current selection (as of March 2022) Suave offers according to their website. Some older products have been discontinued. Please remember new products come out all the time, and most importantly, product labels change! So, always be vigilant about ingredients.

I also pointed out if any products contain what’s known as the Itchy M’s, which can affect sensitive scalps. You can read more about Itchy M’s by clicking here.

Without further ado, let’s get to what you all really came here for, let’s find out which Suave Hair Products are Curly Girl Method approved. 


Deep Conditioners/Masks:


Please note all products containing this symbol (*) mean it contains the Itchy M’s. If you have a sensitive or dry scalp avoid using it if a reaction develops.



Please note this product contains drying alcohols, you can combat dryness with extra conditioning


Please remember when used correctly, oil can greatly benefit the hair in shine, length retention, and softness. If you are new to Oil please click here to read more about the differences between Moisturizing V.S. Sealing Oil.

Dry Shampoo:

Please note this product contains drying alcohols, to combat this effect you may need to condition it more often.